Weight Loss Programmes

Your weight loss program will consist of many different aspects. Along with functional training, a specific meal plan will be written for you. Before photos are essential in order to see the physical progress you are making. With 6 weekly reviews, we will do your measurements and weight then tweak any training/food plans as necessary.

I will be here to support you 100% of the way throughout your journey and will check in with you week after week to ensure you are right on track.

Siobhan’s weight loss story

Siobhan started her journey with me in 2022. Siobhan was fairly new to fitness and going to the gym. She would attend around 9 to 10 classes a week and a weekly PT session at her local gym. However she wanted more, the weight wasn’t moving very well and Siobhan didn’t understand why. I started my 30-day challenge and Siobhan took part. 30 days of hard work and dedication! We focused on food and exercise. Ensuring Siobhan was in the correct calorie deficit and her protein intake was correct for her. Siobhan started with an attitude of I can and I will and she certainly did that! After 30 days Siobhan lost a total of 7lbs and an incredible 22cm around her body!

It doesn’t stop there, 2 months after the challenge ended Siobhan found out she was pregnant. Determined to carry off with fitness we devised a plan so Siobhan could exercise safely. Unfortunately for Siobhan, she suffered badly from sickness and fatigue so had to take a 5-month break from fitness. However, as soon as she felt ready she was right back to it! Siobhan continued going to the gym and lifting weights right up to 3 days before giving birth! What an inspiration!!

After only 4.5 weeks of giving birth Siobhan was back at the gym. I wrote a plan for her to ease her back in and regain some core strength. 3 months postpartum she has lost 7lbs already! You can see the results for yourself!

Siobhan says ‘Without Dave’s support after having my baby I would have struggled to ensure I was doing exercises that were safe after giving birth. Dave has kept me motivated throughout my pregnancy and allowed me to exercise safely. I can’t wait to continue my weightloss journey with Dave”